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For this Fish pie I used haddock & salmon as this is what I had in my fridge, You could use any type of fish that will hold while cooking. (poisson a chair ferme)


For the mash I decided to mix potato & sweet potato, to add sweetness.


I started by cooking the potatoes and sweet potatoes in a pressure cooker for 10 minutes.

During that time I put, in a saucepan, leeks, onions & carrots with a bit of olive oil to sweat for 5 minutes, then added the fish, cooking the whole for an other 5 minutes. I then added cream, salt, pepper & turmeric and leave the pan for 5 more minutes. After that, I stopped the fire and added a bag of fresh spinach and let it to rest.


Once the potatoes and sweet potatoes cooked, I mashed them to add them later on the pie dish.


I beat 3 eggs with some milk and added the mix to the mash and mixed everything well to get a nice fluffy mixture.


Additionally, in a buttered oven dish, i put the fish mixture and topped it with the mash and baked it for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.


In the end, I served the dish with mixed green leaves.

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