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  • Cut a small onion in little pieces (ciselé les onions) and the vegetable if necessary depending on what you will use

  • Have ½ litre of boiling water ready with a cubes of vegetable stock in it to dissolve it (for 2 portions) (prepare un fond de legumes)

  • Weight 65 to 70 g of risotto rice per person

  • Have a pan with a lid, it will help for the cooking later

  • Put some oil in the pan, add the onions and cooked until soft (faire suer les onions)

  • Add your mushroom and cook until nearly ready (few minutes for mushrooms or broccoli or courgette) if you use butternut squash, pumpkin or peppers you may want to cook them in the oven before and add them at the end. If you use spinach & smoked salmon you would add them at the end too)

  • Remove the vegetable and reserve on side.

  • Add the rice to the pan where you will have left a few onions and stir it for 1 minute until the rice seems to get a shine (nacré le riz)

  • Start adding the fond de legumes with a ladle and continue to stir on a low heat, add more fond about 2/3 of what is left of it and cover with the lid. On a low heat you may have 5 minutes to spare so you may want to ring, email, WhatsApp or Snapchat someone now.

  • Remove the lid and taste the rice – add more stock if necessary until nearly fully cook then add your mushrooms or any other vegetable you may have chosen to use.

  • You wish to add some cheese now (parmesan with mushroom, blue cheese with green vegetable, goat cheese with butternut squash & red pepper) for example.

  • Bon appétit

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